
The 'Lil Comic Story 2

Aloha "Ber" months!!

 Today will be the first start of "Ber" months. Welcome, September.

It's never been easy after your child suffered from pain of vaccination. JB got her shots of vaccines for her protection against different viruses. It's not surprising anymore when she had minor fever.

The lil' comic story of baby was kinda sad.


Traces of vaccination.

Baby JB wasn't the typical crying baby. She chooses to sleep over her fever. Poor baby.



So the dad put her in his arms. Suddenly, it's like magic. 

Cutie smile. The cellphone camera ruin this photo though.


I was talking at JB and she was like a 'lil genius eagerly listening. 


The family has become more happier when our 'lil angel came into our lives.

Be happy.



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